Why digital marketing training should be compulsory for every business man?

Digital marketing is not option it is mandatory in the current Era its tools which help in analyzing rate of conversation of each and every page of the website, digital market provides the accurate results over the month, year, etc.. its an identity to business, it's a technology era and everyday people are getting updated accordingly. People are getting internet for several reasons and increasing rapidly in current scenario leveraging Strategies and service of digital marketing becomes almost mandatory in order to reach modern audience this is the most suitable way in the present context. There is a huge shift in the Advertising and Marketing world from previous decade to current situation, it has been transitioned from analog-to-digital 34% of the country's population use the internet and this statistics is presented by World Bank, research conducted on this and report says that it is expected to reach around 627 million of internet users in India in 2019, it projects double digit growth like it was estimated to have 566 million in 2018. So it's a wise decision that it has to be taken with such staggering numbers of internet users growing across the country, anyone can strike gold with right digital marketing traditional marketing helps in providing various ways for any business one can easily adopt digital marketing as its user-friendly and beneficiary in several ways let's see how it helps the business and why digital Marketing is required.
The micro businesses struggle with capitalization and resources digital marketing provides better way a cost-effective channel, according to report almost 40% of respondents claimed to have saved considerably in marketing method for promoting their products and services it's more cost effective than traditional marketing. The best time to run digital marketing campaign is directed towards consumer and mobile, there is no doubt that this is a newest trend of communication and information dissemination in the mobile internet, it feels the path towards the achievement and better growth along fast expansion report states that phones have evolved from being alternate gadget for computer and laptops, it caters the mobile consumer there are different types of customer interests to purchase offering, once consumers promises are fulfilled it will develop better relationships with targeted audience it proves to be beneficial for the branch reputation. Digital marketing boost your brand go viral ingrained from internet so much content means posts, hashtags, and much more, hence it helps profile power plays a major role based on profile customers make quick decisions it is based on reviews and information will see profile more than they search consumer come across the available content on their preferred chance and its essential for all to have platform. This makes it easier for consumer to identify the brand, in conclusion its important that digital marketing for any brand in today's age and day is very much essential.